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This FAQ page answers some of the more commonly asked questions from our community.

How do I buy OTC?

Please check the OTC page

How to use Venera Swap?

All instructions for using the Venera Swap platform are collected on this page

Is it safe to use a Venera swap?

Using a Verena swap is completely safe.
We have been audited by Solidity Finance, a leading cryptocurrency security company. See for yourself

Do you have a referral program?

Sure, yeah. You can Invite your friends. and earn cryptocurrency together. Learn more there

What is the official VeneraSwap website?
Do I need to register an account?
No, you do not need to register an account in order to use Venera Swap. Just log in with your decentralized wallet.
Do I need KYC in order to use the Venera Swap?
No, while using a Decentralized financial product KYC is not required by anyone.
How do I connect my wallet to Venera Swap?
Navigate to the top-left corner of the homepage to click on the "Connect Wallet" button. Then select the wallet you want to connect to Veneraswap in the modal. Approve the connection and your wallet will be connected.
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