First Phase:

✅ DEX : Staking, trading, and farming.

 Community : A superb, productive and engaged community.

✅ Roadmap : A detailed roadmap will be shared.

✅ Audit : Audited by Solidity Finance.

✅ KYC : KYC done and approved by Ape O'Clock.

 Info/Analytics : Create an info-analytics page for the swap.

Second Phase:

  • Additional farming pools : New and exclusive farming pools.
  • Partnerships: Partner with other communities to expand our customer base and our features.
  • Team : Expand the team.
  • Chart : Integrate a chart within the swap.
  • Zapping: Introducing zapping feature for LPs.
  • Multisig : Having a Multisig to insure transparency.
  • P2P Market place: Work in progress.

More features suggested and voted for by the community to be added.

Third Phase:

  • Moving all farms to boosted farms : Let the bribe wars begin.
  • V2 : Release version 2 of the DEX with our very own unique UI and features.
  • Leveraged Trading: V2.
  • Cross-chain : Exploring the possibility to introduce cross chain to other blockchains such as Fantom, Polygon, and more...
  • Swap v2.0: Includes swapping Interest bearing Tokens, and creating pools for them.
  • NFT: NFT Marketplace.
  • Wallet : Our partners are creating a wallet that will host your VSW token alongside other tokens, with integrated Venera swap features as well as buy by card features.